NORTHART’s kaupapa for 2024 is the Ultra Local.

Ultra-local knowledge comes from noticing a place that scales between the micro, (the minutiae of the everyday) and the macro, (how the place is connected to a myriad of other places and times).*

Located in a part of Tāmaki Makaurau that is changing rapidly, and looking towards a complete redevelopment in 2025, NORTHART’s programme approaches our cultural and geographic landscape using art to create and extend connections within our local community.

Acknowledging artists as skilled investigators and archivists of the city, NORTHART’s programme extends into the community through a curated public programme centred around education, activation, and participation.

Acknowledging the core value in Toi Whitiki - Integrating arts and culture into our everyday lives - NORTHART’s programme works to engage our local community through inclusiveness, access and participation in visual art.

*Drawing on the work of Nina Patel and Dr Kathy Waghorn in the Whau:


HAVE YOUR SAY | Auckland Council Long-term Plan 2024-2034


NORTHART is now closed for the Holidays